Achieve The Next Level in Life

FengShui Consulting and Coaching
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Ignorance is not bliss. Learn the shortcuts to get what you deserve in life with our services!


Speaking Engagements 讲座

Office Audit 办公室风水

About Realize Consultancy

A FengShui Consulting and Coaching Company

Realize Consultancy was founded by Dino Ng. Dino Ng has always been intrigued by the arts of Chinese metaphysics and spiritual related stuff since young. She always believed that one can change their destiny to a certain extent if they knew how and what to do. It was only in her twenties that she really decided to venture fully into the field and has never looked back since.

The company motto “A.C.E Your Life” is the embodiment of employing various metaphysics methods such as Feng Shui, Bazi, Qimen, Numerology etc to maximize one’s potential to create the better life that one can actually have.

Know Yourself. By Yourself.

A.C.E Your Life


Are you fully aware of your talents, strengths and weaknesses? Do you feel that you are still searching for the answers in your life? If you are not fully aware of your innate abilities and capabilities, you would be going through the school of hard knocks to find out the answers. And sad to say, some may never know because “you do not know what you do not know”. By knowing yourself, you will be able to come up with plans and strategies to execute to achieve what you always wanted in life.

A.C.E Your Life


After having full awareness of yourself and your environment, you will be able to change or tweak accordingly to your path of least resistance. You can work on amplifying your strengths and playing down your weaknesses to get what you want. By knowing, you will no longer be stuck in the maze trying to figure out what kind of changes or steps you should make. You can now make practical meaningful efforts to fulfil your desires or the life you should live.

A.C.E Your Life


Knowing it all, having all the tools to help you means there is no way you cannot succeed in life. You just have everything nicely mapped out for you. You are now the master of your own life, your own destiny. The path is set perfectly for you and even though there may be hiccups along the way, you are more than ready to handle all the background noises. Be ready for excellence!

“Super power! My house fengshui is done by her. I now consult Dino whenever I need advice on personal issues. I have also changed my handphone number after she accurately predicted some past events. Definitely a consultant that I will keep for life!”

“Did not know a house audit is done this way. Seems to feel better after the audit. Will definitely recommend to my friends.”


“Consultation was precise. No nonsense lady.”


“Dino has definitely enhanced our luck through her house audit! Things are looking better for us.”


“Impressed by her consultation that I further referred my sister to her to do her house fengshui.”


Frequently Asked Questions

How is a typical house audit like?

The house audit can last up to few hours depending on the house. We will extend the auditing session as and when necessary. We start with checking out the external surroundings of the house before proceeding to the house itself. We will then proceed to suggest possible remedies to the clients.

Do I need to buy any products from you?

No. We will make use of whatever is already available in your house to do remedies or suggest the steps for you to take. Buying of certain artefacts ie. Pixiu etc belong to New Age fengshui which we do not employ.

What do I need to prepare in the event of a house audit?

Normally just your house floor plan will do. If there is any extra things we require from you, we will let you know in advance.